Quantum Cellular Medicine “QCM” is the segment of medicine that focuses on cell function and cell communication in the diagnosis, treatment, and maintenance of health and wellness in the human body.

QCM is one of the most pleasant ways to a healthier, longer life
"QCM" Quantum Cellular Medicine
Relaxation, Preservation, Regeneration
QCM is for the whole family
For questions, email LOHhealth@gmail.com or call 561-602-0484

Clinical Research

Find research regarding Quantum Cellular Medicine and the products we use in our practice





Photobiomodulation Research

Peer-reviewed research demonstrating the effectiveness of Light Therapy (Phototherapy).

Large list of peer-reviewed research for the effective use of light therapy with links to articles and a brief summary of each study.

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Quantron Resonance System (QRS)

Using Magnetic Fields to Increase Flexibility and Reduce Pain with Respect to Ailments of the Ambulatory Apparatus Copy

Results presented at the Annual Conference of the Austrian Society for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation on a study conducted at Marburg Teaching Hospital, Drau (Slovakia) and the Institute of Hygiene, Graz University (Austria).

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Proof of Ion Transport Due to Application of QRS System Salut-II

All producers of magnetic field therapies claim their products regenerate by activating cell metabolism. Metabolism always requires transport of ions. Therefore all such claims should be evaluated carefully. Only the QRS has a worldwide patent, obtained after years of research, for the transport of ions into body cells. Read this blood study demonstrating the transport of sodium, calcium, and potassium.

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Using Magnetic Fields to Increase Flexibility and Reduce Pain with Respect to Ailments of the Ambulatory Apparatus

Results presented at the 26th Conference of the Austrian Society for Internal Medicine in Europe on a study conducted at Marburg Teaching Hospital, Drau (Slovakia) and the Institute of Hygiene, Graz University (Austria).

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Fermented Ginseng

Dr. Sung paper on Fatigue recovery and Anti oxidant capability of IH901

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Protective effects of fermented ginseng on streptozotocin-induced pancreatic ss-cell damage through inhibition of NF-kB

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Fermented Ginseng protects Streptozotocin-Induced Damage in Rat Pancreas by inhibiting Nuclear Factor-kB

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